
The Mission

DC releases a truly incredible amount of data every day on Covid-19. The problem? It's in a pretty indecipherable format, showing cumulative totals rather than daily changes and located in multiple places. The mission of this project is to display current and historical data with interactive visualizations that help ordinary Washingtonians digest trends, risk, and inequities during the pandemic.

The Data

This unofficial website uses data from the D.C.'s official data sources to show a more detailed account of the pandemic. Neighborhood and Ward population data comes from combinations of the latest census tract level data from 2019.

The site is updated every day slightly after 10:00am, depending on when D.C. releases its daily data and personal availability.

Throughout the many months D.C. Health has been releasing data, there have been several (~ a dozen) copy/paste errors and obvious typos in the data. These have been painstakingly corrected as much as possible, but where a reasonable fix wasn't possible, the corrupted data was replaced with a simple average between the days before and after the error. This means you will not get the same results/charts if you were to recreate the on your own, which I don't recommend anyway, because it's hard to do!

Code and full data can be found on Github.

The Team

The website and data are developed and maintained by Ryan Stahlin of NW D.C. and Noah Marcus. Email us for comments, suggestions for new visualizations, questions about the data, or media inquiries.